TinyMUX 2.0: CONFIGURATION Last Update: April 2000 TinyMUX 2.0 gets the information it needs to operate the game (aside from the database itself) from a configuration file that is read in at startup. The configuration file contains various parameters, such as where to find the database, what port to listen for connects, and many other things. Modifying mux.config: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - This file can be left as is. However, the prime benefit of customization is in the output of Backup will generate a flatfile that you can easily recognize as belonging to your game(handy, if you run more than one game). - Open 'mux.config' in your editor and look for the line "GAMENAME". - Change 'netmux' to something short that you will recognize easily. - Save your changes and leave the editor. Making a New Configuration File: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - In your game directory, the file that you will need to modify is the one called either 'netmux.conf' or 'GAMENAME.conf'. 'netmux' is the default GAMENAME and can be changed by editting mux.config(see above). - If you choose to change GAMENAME in mux.config, then you will begin by editting the top portion of the file. - In the lines marked 'input_database', 'output_database', 'crash_database', 'game_dir_file', and 'game_pag_file', change 'netmux' to the same thing you entered in GAMENAME. - If your mail and comsystem databases are named differently from the default, then edit those lines accordingly. - Change 'port' to the port number your game will be using. - Change 'mud_name' to what you like. This can be the formal name of your game. - Make any other configuration changes you want to make at this time. They are added individually, one per line to the file. Common additions to this file would be: money_name_singular The name of one coin (penny) money_name_plural The name of several coins (pennies) fork_dump no Do this if you have little swap space. paycheck Players get this much money each day they connect. paystart Players start out with this much money. payfind Each time a player moves, he has a 1 in chance of finding a penny. player_starting_room The room that new players are created in. mail_expiration Sets the timeout for @mail.(14 days) master_room The number of the room you keep yout globals in. quotas Enables quotas. (no) starting_quota How much quota players get. (20) Meaningless without quotas enabled. guests_channel Channel for guests. See GUESTS for information on the guest system. public_channel Name for the public channel on your game. dump_message Message shown at the beginning of a DB save to disk postdump_message Message shown at the end of a DB save to disk idle_wiz_dark yes Sets wizards dark after they have been idle more than the specified timeout. - WIZHELP is a wealth of information regarding the more esotric aspects of configuration parameters. There are many more configuration directives available. Information on individual directives can be obtained with the WIZHELP command within the mush. The following is an example configuration file provided by Soruk @AuroraMUSH to give you an idea of how yours should look. Many thanks him for his generosity and help with this. Note that not all of these configurations are appropriate for all games at all times. please read wizhelp for more information. It has some comments and explanations within it. Lines preceeded with '#' are ones 'commented out' and are not read by the server when it is running. =========================================================================== # Default filenames for the database # These are adapted from TinyMUX 1.x. input_database data/aurora.db output_database data/aurora.db.new crash_database data/aurora.db.CRASH game_pag_file data/aurora.pag game_dir_file data/aurora.dir # # Mail, comsystem, and macro databases. mail_database data/mail.db # Older MUXes used commac.db. I never got round to changing it on AMUSH. comsys_database data/commac.db # # port 4190 mud_name AuroraMUSH # include alias.conf include compat.conf # # Define local aliases/parameters/whatnot here. # log all_commands alias ? help clone_copies_cost YES money_name_singular cosmic ray money_name_plural cosmic rays mail_expiration 60 paycheck 25 page_cost 0 master_room 5 quotas yes starting_quota 10 idle_timeout 3600 access @attribute/access wizard access @attribute/delete wizard guest_char_num 3 number_guests 5 guest_prefix Guest guests_channel Guests public_channel Public dump_interval 3600 dump_message Formatting drive C: - Please stand by. postdump_message Format completed OK. A few bad sectors were found, however. fork_dump no player_starting_room 83 player_starting_home 83 player_listen yes idle_wiz_dark yes access wiznews immortal access @robot god access @decompile no_guest access examine no_guest access @desc !no_guest access kill disabled access @emit no_suspect access comtitle no_suspect access @doing no_guest access @set !no_guest access @sex !no_guest access @admin god access @dig no_guest no_slave global_build access @dig/teleport no_guest no_slave global_build access @malias wizard access @mail no_guest access @qmail no_guest access @mail/send no_guest access @mail/cc no_guest access @mail/proof no_guest access @mail/edit no_guest access @mail/abort no_guest access @mail/fwd no_guest access @mail/quick no_guest access @wait no_guest access @wai no_guest function_access set no_slave no_guest function_access create no_slave no_guest function_access lwho immortal wizard builder access @oemit !need_location player_flags ansi uninspected # # Sitebans #capethorn.co.uk, dial-up.co.uk (part of Capethorn) forbid_site # # Existing users may connect, newbies cannot. # Guests can (though AMUSH has been patched to forbid guests from register_site) # Public TF accounts register_site # # AOL register_site # # Freeserve register_site register_site # # Force9 register_site # # # Enable this line to prevent newbie access from anywhere. #register_site